Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday Morning Musings

Good morning! I realized that my Twitter account is separate from here. I've been retweeting a lot of good stuff. In the next few days, I'll add the widget back with my account. Eventually, I'm hoping to create an RSS feed account where you can see when I updated. All of this is eventually.

I practically live on Twitter. I've had a lot to muse on this morning and wanted to share some of it.

First, yes, it is cold and if you're in the south eastern portion of PA, you should follow these guys. Generally, they are spot on with weather predictions. Then occasionally they have stuff like this:

Next, a comic artist I follow on Twitter muses about her library experiences as a page and in an awesome pop culture library I did not realize exists. Star Trek Memorabilia? YES!
I manage 2 nonprofit Facebook pages (my library and another) and I admit, I haven't actually sat down to read this yet, but it looks intriguing. I like 99u for their inspirational posts.
Remember Ferguson Library? They are still doing awesome work.

I love reading Questionable Content. Lately, he's been having a lot happen in the library with characters...but including some interesting commentary on libraries. Take a read here: First part and a follow up. I could go in-depth on this, but just enjoy the humor and how Marten and Claire (intern) and Tai (the head librarian) have their opinions of the [academic] library.

Last, Story Time Underground has this neat blog prompt called "Resolve to Rock." I first heard about it through Laura at Literacious (who is awesome). I may do this just for myself. I know it's time to set my vision and goals for the coming year so this might help me focus professionally.

Anything you found interesting so far this week? Want to discuss something? Share in the comments.

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