Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Glorkian Warrior Delievers a Pizza!

The Glorkian warrior delivers a pizza
Not the coloring my copy had

Title:  The Glorkian Warrior Delivers a Pizza
Author: James Kochalka
Illustrator:  James Kochalka
Publisher:  First Second (:01)
Copyright:  2014
Price: $12.99
ISBN: 978-1596439177
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Super Backpack wants to go on an adventure! Glorkian Warrior wants  an adventure...on the couch...napping. The phone rings and, after The Glorkian Warrior realizes he has a phone, he answers the call...to deliver a pizza. It must be destiny! But wait...he doesn't have a pizza, or does he? Yes, the pizza in his fridge will do. Despite adventures like crashing his Glorkian Super Car to meeting with Gork to an alien abduction attempt, The Glorkian Warrior will deliver the pizza to...wait...
Recommended Audience: Elementary kids
Things to be aware of: ?
Further Thoughts:  If you find the summary odd, that's how I found this book: odd. It's not quite on par with A.L.I.E.E.E.N (which has a different author, is very strange, and not a kids book). The Glorkian Warrior Pizza book is slapstick, cartoonish humor. The Glorkian Warrior never gets a name and he just wants to deliver the pizza from the mysterious phone call. I, personally, would not want some random guy's pizza.

It's a strange book. For kids, it's a story involving a mundane task which becomes an epic adventure. The Warrior makes friends and avoids danger. He pretty much bumbles his way into saving the day. Normally, I like the bumbling hero, but I'm not so sure about this guy.

Basically, it has what kids would like (I think?). There's bad grammar, bad jokes, and cartoon illustrations. Silly humor and silly adventure.

My issue was that it was hard to get into. Everything that could go wrong, did. The Glorkian Warrior is pretty oblivious. What I did enjoy was the cyclic story and the adorable alien that adopts him. But, I'm still left with this feeling that something is off. Honestly, I can't figure out what I find off about this book.

Overall feeling: Hard to say. It seems like kids would love this. If you need more random humor graphic novels, go for it.
Source: Library/Review

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