Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bride of the Water God - vol. 2

Title: Bride of the Water God vol. 2
Author: Mi-Kyung Yun
Illustrator: Mi-Kyung Yun
Publisher: Dark Horse Manhwa
Copyright: 2008 (original 2006)
Price: $9.95
ISBN: 978-1-59307-883-6
Summary and Quick Thoughts: At the end of Volume 1, readers were wondering if Soah would be sent home against her will or by her own choice. For now, she seems to have decided to stay with Mui/Habaek, but he is uneasy about the decision. Habaek/Mui’s mother is still around, keeping a loose eye on her son and his human bride, with a little meddling of her own. The characters visit a night market and festival, only to find Soah is given an inappropriate gift and faces an attempted kidnapping where Mui reveals his truest feelings and takes Soah where no human girl has gone before. Readers will enjoy this second installment as back stories are revealed and Mui finally shows his feeling for Soah. More flashbacks are thrown in and this reader really wants to know their time line and how they will fit together.
Will Teens Like It? Probably the older crowd (16 and up)
Things to be aware of: MINOR sexual tension.
Further Thoughts: Who cannot love this cover? Ok, maybe just me because I find this cover DELICIOUS. Yum. (Mui is in a tub, his clothes are wet, his shirt is open and I think his clothing is floating away from his hips, yum). Soah is finding it harder not to resist Mui and I can’t blame here. He’s gorgeous and rescues her at the right moments, and she does return the favor (she saves him from a potion). The artwork is still fluid, but there are still some translation issues. For example, a butterfly arrives (which I think is metaphorical), but there is no text to announce the arrival, but there is for the departure. This makes me think something was missed in translation, but without the original, I don’t know (and I couldn’t translate it as it is). Throughout the story, there are comedic elements that keep the seriousness at bay, but I know when the true story arrives, the comedic elements will be kept at a minimum.
Source: Library copy.

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