Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bride of the Water God - Vol. 1

Title: Bride of the Water God Vol. 1
Author: Mi-Kyung Yun
Illustrator: Mi-Kyung Yun
Publisher: Dark Horse Manhwa
Copyright: 2007 (2006 original)
Price: $9.95
ISBN: 978-1-59307-849-2
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Drought has led the villagers of an unnamed village to make a decision: a sacrifice must be made to the Water God. Soah is young but Soah is the choice to dress in wedding garb and be sent on a boat into the ocean as the Bride of the Water God. When she arrives in the mystical God-Land of Suguk, she finds she’s been rescued by the Water God. But who is the Water God really? Thechild Habaek or adult Mui? And who can she trust? Flowing artwork tells the first part of the rocky love story of Soah and Habaek/Mui. Despite the occasional translation hiccup and lots of confusing flashbacks, this story proves to be a fairytale worthy of a read.
Will Teens Like It? Probably the older teens (later high school).
Things to be aware of: Nothing
Further Thoughts: Yards upon yards of fabric drapes the female characters in this story as well as heavy jewelry upon their heads, yet it is this yardage and jewelry that lends the story to the fairy tale, mythical atmosphere that I enjoy. Of course, it does not help that the men are drawn tall, lanky, with long hair or messy hair, and lots of chest exposure (ok, this is more for Mui who is so drool worthy). My first reading of this book left me pretty confused from who was telling the truth, who has their own motive and lots of slight flashbacks, but after reading vol. 2-4 (reviews coming), I can see the foreshadowing that is being set up for a much larger, scarier reveal. This manhwa title has me wondering if this series will end well or sadly. In the world of manga and manhwa, you cannot tell how a story will end.
Source: Library copy.

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