Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bride of the Water God - vol. 4

Title: Bride of the Water God vol. 4
Author: Mi-Kyung Yun
Illustrator: Mi-Kyung Yun
Publisher: Dark Horse Manhwa
Copyright: 2009 (2007 original)
Price: $9.95
ISBN: 978-1-59582-378-6
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Soah has returned home and has agreed to be married. In only two weeks she will be married but she is already having second thoughts. Mui tries again to see if she remembers, but fails. On one last attempt, he steals her away and they return to his home. At the moment, it seems Habaek/Mui has won the bet with his mother, but she has another trick up her sleeve. In this volume, we also learn that even Habaek/Mui cannot trust everyone and the truth of Nakbin is partially revealed, but who killed her or is she really alive? In this compelling installment, the reader feels that things are resolved, until the last page which houses a killer cliffhanger.
Will Teens Like It? Mature Twilight readers may enjoy the dynamic between Soah and Habaek/Mui.
Things to be aware of: sexual situations, violence
Further Thoughts: Honestly, I picked up this title and once I started, I zipped through the pages until I reached the last page which had a simple statement but a major plot point. I gasped and shouted to The Philosopher Musician that I couldn’t believe I read all that the library system had at that time (since this review they have gotten 5 and 6 which I hope to review but I forget the cliffhanger!).

Upon my second, more thorough reading, I was able to focus more on the order of the plot, and focus on the artwork. Once again, Yun’s style and art sweeps me away into this fantasy world where Mui selfishly loves Soah, although he won’t admit it publicly. Is this related to the past? In this particular work, I noticed small details that I had missed on the first reading, namely a very tiny image of Mui crying over Soah as she, I assume leaves for her home.

My only complaint of this story is that Mui is a bit possessive of Soah, yet at the same time, he really wants her to be able to make her own choices, not those pressed upon her by her family. Her only chance to make such decisions is with him and while he is possessive, he does seem to let her grow into herself with her own thoughts and opinions. It is also clear she belongs in his kingdom and not on earth. In some ways, this does parallel the Edward/Bella love story of the infamous Twilight. Something about this doesn’t seem as “stalkerish” as Twilight, though, but maybe that is because I’m willing to suspend belief and Soah is a stronger heroine than Bella. I look forward to upcoming issues as the lovers face more troubles ahead.
Bonus: This is more of a rant, but I do wish that manga/manhwa American publishers would speed up the publications of series. I really hate waiting three months for the next book and have forgotten to pick up the next volume of a series because of this (Tramps Like Us). This one has nagged at me so much I remembered, but on the other hand, I now can’t remember the cliffhanger. (This review was written in June 2010, this bonus February 2011). Since June, I’ve only seen the particular library system add 5 and 6, and we’re waiting on 7.
Library copy.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bride of the Water God - vol. 3

Title: Bride of the Water God vol. 3
Mi-Kyung Yun
Illustrator: Mi-Kyung Yun
Publisher: Dark Horse Manwha
Copyright: 2009 (2006)
Price: $9.95
ISBN: 978-1-59582-305-2
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Soah’s suspicions at the end of Vol. 2 are solved, but she still has questions. With the return of Nakbin, Mui/Habaek’s first human bride, Soah begins to analyze the facts, the words, and the actions of all the others. Instead of finding answers, she is even more confused and in this confusion is sent home, forgetting everything and facing the realities of her home life. In this volume, a story about Habaek is thrown in and it is unclear to this reader as to what basis it has on the story as well as where it fits in the time line. Otherwise, the reader learns what she suspected to be true about Soah’s family and her village’s feelings about her, which is both sad, but is also the basis as to why she is welcome with the Gods.
Will Teens Like It? Probably the older set. Those who liked Black Bird will find a similar story here.
Things to be aware of: minor sexual situations
Further Thoughts: Volume 3 and 4 should probably be reviewed together, but this is a series that is better looked at by each volume. Each volume contains a smaller story within it, such as this volume which has the reader examining Soah’s feelings about herself and her situation in the family. The yardage of fabric Soah wears continues to be unbelievable as well as the length of her hair, but again, this adds to the majesty of the story. Overall, this story has elements of great mythology and of fantasy and fairy tales. 
Source: Library copy.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bride of the Water God - vol. 2

Title: Bride of the Water God vol. 2
Author: Mi-Kyung Yun
Illustrator: Mi-Kyung Yun
Publisher: Dark Horse Manhwa
Copyright: 2008 (original 2006)
Price: $9.95
ISBN: 978-1-59307-883-6
Summary and Quick Thoughts: At the end of Volume 1, readers were wondering if Soah would be sent home against her will or by her own choice. For now, she seems to have decided to stay with Mui/Habaek, but he is uneasy about the decision. Habaek/Mui’s mother is still around, keeping a loose eye on her son and his human bride, with a little meddling of her own. The characters visit a night market and festival, only to find Soah is given an inappropriate gift and faces an attempted kidnapping where Mui reveals his truest feelings and takes Soah where no human girl has gone before. Readers will enjoy this second installment as back stories are revealed and Mui finally shows his feeling for Soah. More flashbacks are thrown in and this reader really wants to know their time line and how they will fit together.
Will Teens Like It? Probably the older crowd (16 and up)
Things to be aware of: MINOR sexual tension.
Further Thoughts: Who cannot love this cover? Ok, maybe just me because I find this cover DELICIOUS. Yum. (Mui is in a tub, his clothes are wet, his shirt is open and I think his clothing is floating away from his hips, yum). Soah is finding it harder not to resist Mui and I can’t blame here. He’s gorgeous and rescues her at the right moments, and she does return the favor (she saves him from a potion). The artwork is still fluid, but there are still some translation issues. For example, a butterfly arrives (which I think is metaphorical), but there is no text to announce the arrival, but there is for the departure. This makes me think something was missed in translation, but without the original, I don’t know (and I couldn’t translate it as it is). Throughout the story, there are comedic elements that keep the seriousness at bay, but I know when the true story arrives, the comedic elements will be kept at a minimum.
Source: Library copy.

PostSecret - Library Love

PostSecret, the blog, books, lectures and more, where people send in their secrets anonymously on postcards, has something for us librarians today: secrets that involve libraries.

You'll have to scroll down a little as the first four don't seem to do with books (per say), but as soon as you pass the "PostSecret Books Banner" you'll find five secrets that involve libraries, books, and how we make the world better. The secrets end at the PostSecret Community banner it seems.

And for the librarian who posted about 158.723, kudos to you for finding a book. When I was there, I couldn't find any books. Second, it gets better, but you may need to make a change...

If you don't think PostSecret helps anyone, I will tell you now, it helps me every week. I never know what gem will come along to tell me "hey, it gets better" or to help me through a tough time.\

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cybils Announced!

How did I miss the Cybil announcement? Was it not on Twitter?

Either way, the winners have been announced and frankly, this is what the ALA award list should have looked like...or at least close. These are better books. Most are what I see move on the shelves. I mean, the Newbery Winner is no where to be seen and the one title many thought should be the Newbery is here. The picture book, I think is a Caldecott runner up. The GN Cybil titles? Not ones I'm particularly enthused about (haven't read them yet so there's still a chance). On the other hand, those two got a lot of press the past year.

Either way, I'm excited for the winners. All are great titles!

Bride of the Water God - Vol. 1

Title: Bride of the Water God Vol. 1
Author: Mi-Kyung Yun
Illustrator: Mi-Kyung Yun
Publisher: Dark Horse Manhwa
Copyright: 2007 (2006 original)
Price: $9.95
ISBN: 978-1-59307-849-2
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Drought has led the villagers of an unnamed village to make a decision: a sacrifice must be made to the Water God. Soah is young but Soah is the choice to dress in wedding garb and be sent on a boat into the ocean as the Bride of the Water God. When she arrives in the mystical God-Land of Suguk, she finds she’s been rescued by the Water God. But who is the Water God really? Thechild Habaek or adult Mui? And who can she trust? Flowing artwork tells the first part of the rocky love story of Soah and Habaek/Mui. Despite the occasional translation hiccup and lots of confusing flashbacks, this story proves to be a fairytale worthy of a read.
Will Teens Like It? Probably the older teens (later high school).
Things to be aware of: Nothing
Further Thoughts: Yards upon yards of fabric drapes the female characters in this story as well as heavy jewelry upon their heads, yet it is this yardage and jewelry that lends the story to the fairy tale, mythical atmosphere that I enjoy. Of course, it does not help that the men are drawn tall, lanky, with long hair or messy hair, and lots of chest exposure (ok, this is more for Mui who is so drool worthy). My first reading of this book left me pretty confused from who was telling the truth, who has their own motive and lots of slight flashbacks, but after reading vol. 2-4 (reviews coming), I can see the foreshadowing that is being set up for a much larger, scarier reveal. This manhwa title has me wondering if this series will end well or sadly. In the world of manga and manhwa, you cannot tell how a story will end.
Source: Library copy.