Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What can you expect in my reviews?

I'm experimenting. I'm trying to write more, especially since I'm reminded of Ray Bradbury on this sad day. Also, my other blogging gig has been revealed.

Simply put, this is my explanation about my reviews here and over there.
  1. Currently, I get GNs that are of interest to me or I feel I should read because everyone is talking them up. Mainly, the talking up bit is because, well, I should know about it and generally I have to wonder, if the librarians are talking it up, is it really that awesome (lately it has been 50/50)?
  2. I get books from the library, Netgalley, purchasing them (wish I had more funds for that...I miss my manga habit) and if people give them to me for free (ARCs, friends, etc).
  3. I will not hesitate to rip into a book (aka give it a negative review). If you want to know what I mean, please find the review on Marvel's Pride and Prejudice. I cannot stop talking about how much that book irked me and yet it got such high praise.
  4. Since I sometimes give negative reviews, please look at it as another voice out there and not that I hate your book. I truly believe that books have their readers and places and that we can't all love the same books. If we did, life would probably be boring. On the other hand, I will make every effort to find some sort of positive in the book, be it that it is suited better to school librarians, adult readers (see Prime Baby as an example), etc, or that the art is pretty or the plot was pretty good but not for me. Negative reviews should exist and I find it my duty to tell you my thoughts on the book.
  5. I'm writing from both a professional stance and that of a graphic novel reader. My main reading habits include the following: comics, graphic novels, manga, young adult books, and non-fiction for grown-ups. I dabble in chapter books and picture books (but picture books are so easy to read in a few minutes and so much fun). I will probably post YA once in a while, but like non-fiction for grown-ups, it is mainly pleasure reading and to improve my RA skills. Huzzah!
  6. If you want a completely professional stance, visit The Graphic Classroom. They have great professional reviews and that is where you can find my "professional voice."
  7. If it looks like I have a DC slant, I do and openly admit to the fact I love Batman. He is my favorite hero and have read a lot about him (and Catwoman). I will read other comics though. Believe me. I will read almost everything in a comic format (excepting gore. No. Way. Not my style.).
  8. Not every comic/graphic novel I read will get reviewed. I gotta have my mind candy and truly pleasure reading. 
  9. This blog exists mainly as a place to tell my friends and family (Hi Mom!) about what graphic novels to get for their libraries since I'm seen as some expert because I read comics. Go figure.
Ok. I think that's it regarding the "Important Stuff You Should Know" about my reviews. One of these weeks I'll get into:
  • Why I don't read book blog book reviews.
  • Why I tend to blog only reviews and very rarely other stuff.
  • Why I love webcomics and eventually web comic reviews (or web comic book reviews)
  • And other mysteries as I feel I have to explain them.

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