Sunday, April 22, 2012


Title: MangaMan
Barry Lyga
Illustrator: Colleen Doran
Houghton Mifflin
Copyright:  2011
Price: $19.99
ISBN: 978-0-547-42315-9
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Comic book worlds unite when a rift in one comic book world is opened and that rift grabs a character from the other comic book world. Manga character Ryoko is brought into the American style comic, a “real world” that doesn’t realize it is even in a comic book. Ryoko knows better though, although, he spends time adjusting to the new rules. Marissa, once a popular queen bee, now a questionable freak who goes around in costumes, is the love interest of this tale and learns from Ryoko the secrets of comic books. An intriguing premise, a great diversion, MangaMan is certainly a fun read, but this reader found she had conflicting emotions about this book.
Recommended Audience: high school, teens, anime/manga fans, comic book fans
Things to be aware of: a sex scene that, after the fact, seems pointless except for humor
Further Thoughts: Let me address the sex scene first. You know it is coming when they kiss first the “real world way” then “the manga way.” A lovely two page, manga-spread, shows them kissing then quickly undressing, then BAM, a point is made and we move on. O…k…? Felt kind of pointless.

I like the premise. I like the idea, but I found myself in a multiple reader situation.

My comic book loving self (the part of me that enjoys Batman) loved the idea. It was fun, quirky, enjoyable, and for some reason hopes for more in that we find out what the rift is about.

My manga self (the part of me that enjoys a variety of manga) was offended. Every manga trope was thrown in, but the tropes, to me, seem to be from the 1970s: boys with long hair, boys who look like girls, mecha*, fighting (see Dragon Ball, seriously, the art is SO similar). Not exactly tropes I’ve seen recently, but I’m realizing I’ve been sort of out of touch. Either way, that is what is holding me back from really enjoying this story. Oh, not to mention that at first glance, please pardon this, it looks like references to tentacle porn (Wikipedia it…at home). There is of course a reference by a character about the manga porn and tentacles, but that’s not a large portion of mainstream manga and I’d like to think Ryoko isn’t from one of those books. In fact, he seems to come from a manga that has everything from giant monsters to magic to fighting to on and on.

So, I had The Philosopher Musician read it and after some thought and seeing his reaction, this book is better suited to guys. Girls want to know why Marissa is acting that way. Guys just want to be entertained. There is certainly a little of everything for both groups to enjoy the story.

Overall, Barry Lyga seems to be doing what he does well: taking stereotypes and overdoing it (Fanboy and Goth Girl) to the extent it may make some readers cringe. Looking at the catalog, this isn’t a wildly popular book, even with an endorsement on the cover from Jeff Smith (Bone). If you are looking to add more, interesting one-shots to your collection, go for it, but this is better suited for readers who like their super hero comics or Barry Lyga. Basically, save your money if you need to (although, if you do want it, wait for paperback as it may just have a better chance in paper back instead of hard cover).

*Mecha – Giant robots. Larger than life robots, piloted by humans. Animes like Gundam, Escaflowne, Neon Genesis. (Mom: my high school obsession, the anime Big O. Roger Smith piloted a Mecha).
Bonus: I saw Barry Lyga speak at WildCat Comic Con a few weeks ago. While I still have some mixed feelings about the book, I have a slightly new respect for it. If money is tight, wait for the paperback. I'm curious to see what the formatting of that will be because I do sort of think the hardcover doesn't work.

Source: Library copy.

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