Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pilot & Huxley: The First Adventure

Title: Pilot & Huxley: The First Adventure
Dan McGuiness
Illustrator: Dan McGuiness
Scholastic Graphix
Copyright: 2011
Price: N/A
ISBN: 978-0-545-26504-1 (Paw Prints Edition has no ISBN).
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Huxley’s parents have disappeared, so what is a kid to do? Go visit his best friend Pilot and threaten that they hate him and have run away. Oh wait, that note was written by Pilot when he found out that Huxley erased over his game data on a video game that he rented. Wait a minute…that game is overdue! Normally, this wouldn’t be a problem, but today, that particular video game from Awesome Video is needed by the aliens because it has the pass code to help them take over the world! In this mad cap adventure, Pilot and Huxley find themselves zapped to another dimension where Huxley is a curse word and Pilot’s crazy Internet theories make sense.
Recommended Audience: Middle School and up
Things to be aware of: Mild potty humor
Further Thoughts: First off, every once in a while, I find when I read that the characters have voices. Oddly enough, I heard Pilot & Huxley as South Park characters. Why do I bring this up? In the fun epilogue, Pilot suggests that Cartman from South Park should play Huxley. How odd I heard them as South Park characters but as the two other kids (not Kenny and not Cartman). The aliens even had a voice, which was the typical grumbly alien voice. Pity Death didn’t sound like Death from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.

I had a bit too much adventure in this one. There was a bit of potty humor in the story (to get on a “bus” you have to go through its butt, eww), oddball foreshadowing, and just stupidness and sillyness after another. As I looked at where this ended up in my collection (J GN at the moment), I asked myself who is this for?

Middle school boys. I suspect they will eat this title up as it is almost as crazy as a ride as Hitch Hikers Guide or maybe some of the cartoons on TV today (i.e. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy?) where one silly thing ends up being explained by another and it somehow makes sense because you are in a different universe.

As to the art work, it is very (I think) crude and I can tell it was digitally done. On the other hand, when taken in context as to who the audience is, it works. It does lend itself to having a South Park feeling though, which might annoy parents.

Source: Library copy.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Title: MangaMan
Barry Lyga
Illustrator: Colleen Doran
Houghton Mifflin
Copyright:  2011
Price: $19.99
ISBN: 978-0-547-42315-9
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Comic book worlds unite when a rift in one comic book world is opened and that rift grabs a character from the other comic book world. Manga character Ryoko is brought into the American style comic, a “real world” that doesn’t realize it is even in a comic book. Ryoko knows better though, although, he spends time adjusting to the new rules. Marissa, once a popular queen bee, now a questionable freak who goes around in costumes, is the love interest of this tale and learns from Ryoko the secrets of comic books. An intriguing premise, a great diversion, MangaMan is certainly a fun read, but this reader found she had conflicting emotions about this book.
Recommended Audience: high school, teens, anime/manga fans, comic book fans
Things to be aware of: a sex scene that, after the fact, seems pointless except for humor
Further Thoughts: Let me address the sex scene first. You know it is coming when they kiss first the “real world way” then “the manga way.” A lovely two page, manga-spread, shows them kissing then quickly undressing, then BAM, a point is made and we move on. O…k…? Felt kind of pointless.

I like the premise. I like the idea, but I found myself in a multiple reader situation.

My comic book loving self (the part of me that enjoys Batman) loved the idea. It was fun, quirky, enjoyable, and for some reason hopes for more in that we find out what the rift is about.

My manga self (the part of me that enjoys a variety of manga) was offended. Every manga trope was thrown in, but the tropes, to me, seem to be from the 1970s: boys with long hair, boys who look like girls, mecha*, fighting (see Dragon Ball, seriously, the art is SO similar). Not exactly tropes I’ve seen recently, but I’m realizing I’ve been sort of out of touch. Either way, that is what is holding me back from really enjoying this story. Oh, not to mention that at first glance, please pardon this, it looks like references to tentacle porn (Wikipedia it…at home). There is of course a reference by a character about the manga porn and tentacles, but that’s not a large portion of mainstream manga and I’d like to think Ryoko isn’t from one of those books. In fact, he seems to come from a manga that has everything from giant monsters to magic to fighting to on and on.

So, I had The Philosopher Musician read it and after some thought and seeing his reaction, this book is better suited to guys. Girls want to know why Marissa is acting that way. Guys just want to be entertained. There is certainly a little of everything for both groups to enjoy the story.

Overall, Barry Lyga seems to be doing what he does well: taking stereotypes and overdoing it (Fanboy and Goth Girl) to the extent it may make some readers cringe. Looking at the catalog, this isn’t a wildly popular book, even with an endorsement on the cover from Jeff Smith (Bone). If you are looking to add more, interesting one-shots to your collection, go for it, but this is better suited for readers who like their super hero comics or Barry Lyga. Basically, save your money if you need to (although, if you do want it, wait for paperback as it may just have a better chance in paper back instead of hard cover).

*Mecha – Giant robots. Larger than life robots, piloted by humans. Animes like Gundam, Escaflowne, Neon Genesis. (Mom: my high school obsession, the anime Big O. Roger Smith piloted a Mecha).
Bonus: I saw Barry Lyga speak at WildCat Comic Con a few weeks ago. While I still have some mixed feelings about the book, I have a slightly new respect for it. If money is tight, wait for the paperback. I'm curious to see what the formatting of that will be because I do sort of think the hardcover doesn't work.

Source: Library copy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Wallflower, Vol. 2-3

Title: The Wallflower (Yamatonadeshiko Shichihenge) 2 and 3
Tomoko Hayakawa
Illustrator: Tomoko Hayakawa
Del Rey Ballentine Books
Copyright: 2004 (2); 2005 (3)
Price: $10.95
ISBN: vol. 2 0-345-47949-1 / vol. 3 0-345-47999-8
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Horror geek Sunako is still her dark and dreary self, despite the attempts of her gorgeous roommates, especially Kyohei, to transform her. Yes, she trimmed her bangs and maybe she’s trying a little on her appearance, but she just wants to be in her dark world. Unfortunately, her world is changing as she has a female friend (a beautiful creature with a crush on one of her housemates) and is finding that she’s friendly to her room mates. In these volumes, there is the school festival, a trip to the hot springs, Sunako’s first kiss (although she was possessed), and fighting, fighting, fighting. Will her roommates ever be able to change her?
Recommended Audience: Teens
Things to be aware of: sexual innuendoes, blood, horror, murder, sexism
Further Thoughts: I’ll admit I had high hopes for this series, but as I ended volume 3, I just couldn’t help but feel this is dragging on. Instead of one continuous story line, this just seems to be story after story with no regard to physics or normalcy. While sometimes I want fluff, I don’t like my fluff like quite this. Sunako’s attitudes have hardly changed over the books and I feel we aren’t reaching any decent plot goals yet (i.e. maybe she won’t wear a hat to school or maybe she’s keeping her hair brushed). It is obvious who is in love with her and he’s hinting majorly what she needs to do to win his love (“be yourself!”), but she doesn’t care. I’m also finding the constant nose bleeds to be annoying, the guys interrupting her personal time annoying, and her general whining about how she just wants to be in the dark, well, annoying. Not to mention, the constant back and forth about how she should cook and clean and look beautiful while it is still cool for her to kick butt. If you want to promote stereotypes, go for it, but this promotes stereotypes and wishes to shoot them down (be beautiful but be yourself too). I think I’ll pass on the rest of this series.

Source: Library copy.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Wallflower, Vol. 1

Title: The Wallflower vol. 1
Tomoko Hayakawa
Illustrator: Tomoko Hayakawa
Del Rey Ballentine Books
Copyright: 2004
Price: $10.95
ISBN: 0-345-47912-2
Summary and Quick Thoughts: In a gorgeous, English-style mansion in Japan, four tall, gorgeous fifteen year old boys rent rooms. Why? They can get free rent, under the condition that they change the land lady’s niece into a beautiful creature, just like the house. Sounds easy right? Well, these four heroes soon discover that Sunako Nakahara is unkempt, dark, and loves horror movies as much as she loves her three mysterious anatomy dolls. There is no way she’ll let these four “creatures of light” as she calls them come near her and let her change her ways. In this quirky story, reminiscent of “My Fair Lady,” comedy and drama ensue as a battle of beauty, beast, and brains begins.
Recommended Audience: Teens.
Things to be aware of: Constant nose bleeds, horror references, violence, sexual innuendos
Further Thoughts: This first volume sets the stage for an intriguing plot line as four well-meaning, hot guys try to turn the scary chick into a gorgeous girl. Each boy has his “quirk”: Ranmaru is an all-around playboy falling for both married and older women, Yukinojo is well-meaning, bumbling, and androgonous; Takenaga is a deep thinking, poet type; Kyohei is the ultimate, hotty bad boy (and as you’ll figure out eventually, the one who actually has a thing for Sunako). Sunako’s angle is that she was turned down by a boy she had a crush on in middle school for “being ugly,” a fact that she took to heart and decided to become, despite her obvious beauty. It is obvious she hates her housemates, and knows what they are up to. On the other hand, when push comes to shove, she is there, stronger than Kyohei to save the day. In one particular side story, she rescues Kyohei and you can’t help but think, “Awesome!” as she reveals a military get-up and, basically, kicks butt. An intriguing story with fantastic, wispy art.

Source: Library copy.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Under His Spell (My Boyfriend is a Monster #4)

Title: Under His Spell (My Boyfriend is Monster #4)
Marie P. Croall
Illustrator: Hyeondo Park
Lerner Publishing Group: Graphic Universe
Copyright: 2011
Price: $21.95
ISBN: 978-0-7613-5602-8
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Bethany is down to Earth. She is so down to Earth that she doesn’t let boys distract her from the important things in life: school and soccer. Her coach even suggests to her teammates they should be more like her. Her friends think she’s crazy for not being interested in boys, at least, that is until “foreign exchange student” (with pointy ears), Allein, shows up in her class. There is something about him that attracts her to him and she’s different enough that he notices her. Romance blossoms, but their first date could be their last. On a side note, our teacher from previous volumes is here (in case you were wondering), and the guidance counselor is up to something if he has most of the first page devoted to him.
Recommended Audience: high school
Things to be aware of: mild violence
Further Thoughts: I’m worried we’ve hit that point in the series where it is going downhill. My first reaction to this one (volume 4) is “elves? Really? Come on!” Elves. Yes. Elves of the “Lord of the Rings” (movie) variety: flowing clothing, pointed ears, natural over the top furnishings, and ticked off daddy. More on that in a bit.

Actually, aside from my initial reaction, this series is still holding up, somewhat.

The series isn’t tripping on the one part that has made this fantastic so far: strong heroines. Bethany is still as strong as her fellow heroines. She refuses to sit low during a fight. If her life is threatened (which it was), she will fight for that and she’ll fight for what she loves: Allein (who has a bad habit of launching into speeches which give his attackers a chance to go after him, after their own speeches). She’s also very down to Earth about her future with Allein which is a nice change of pace and a nice reminder.

Now, Allein, the elf and love interest and, of course, the monster boyfriend. Simply, he’s kind of flat. He’s in that story line of “I’m an exiled prince and people want to kill me for the throne.” Bethany ends up prompting him into action a lot, but at least he was willing to see her for her and love her as she is, faults and all. It’s just a little creepy (when I think about it) about how he always has the right thing to say. Although, it’d be nice if boys really did work that way, huh? Simply, love/hate on that issue. (The Philosopher Musician is yanking at his collar at the moment.)

What makes this volume different from the others so far is that it includes full color spreads while they are visiting the elf world. There is the usual “we got kicked out of our homeland” speech, but seriously, they have color while the real world is black and white. The bit of the story that takes place in the elf land is sweet and a great explanation as to what is going on. It also gives Bethany a chance to prove to Allein’s Dad that they need to save the humans, no matter how horrible they are. I didn’t want the color spreads to end. They were just that much more of a treat.

Frankly, looking at this title, I have to debate whether it is worth continuing. If there has been interest in the first three, please do. If there hasn’t been, you can stop getting it now or, if you really like the strong heroines, consider switching over to the $10 paperbacks. Despite the elves and despite the art, it seems that the series is still holding true to the goals, but if I don’t get even a teaser of information on our beloved teacher and guidance counselor soon, I’m going to go nuts (unless it is like looking for Alfred Hitchcock in his movies, then fine, but make that clear sooooooon!).
Bonus: Information on the elf world and the fae, with edits in the back of the book.

Source: Library copy (Publishing info from Netgalley. Didn’t get to Netgalley copy in time to read that version)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Boyfriend Bites (My Boyfriend is a Monster #3)

Title: My Boyfriend Bites (My Boyfriend is a Monster #3)
Dan Jolley
Illustrator: Alitha E. Martinez
Graphic Universe (Lerner)
Copyright: 2011
Price: $29.27 ($21.95 for libraries)
ISBN: 978-0-7613-5599-1
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Vanessa Shingle repairs boyfriends. She seeks out what is wrong with him, figures out what he can do to improve himself, and sets out to do just that, with upsetting consequences. So, when the perfect fixer-upper boyfriend comes along in the form of Jean-Paul McClellan, she’s getting way more than she bargained for. First, she sets out to observe him and finds he can change into a bat and drinks blood. After that, vampires seem to be after her and he’s always there to rescue here. Way to send mixed signals, except Jean-Paul has a prophecy to destroy which includes vampires,and her destiny. Maybe after all that is dealt with Vanessa can go about fixing Jean-Paul, right?
Recommended Audience: high school
Things to be aware of: mild violence
Further Thoughts: Oh man, vampires. I’m so over the vampire craze that my enjoyment of this book might have been dampened a little. The cover is reminiscent of a certain popular craze and unfortunately, the art has elements of the Twlight Manga, which makes me go eww. Not to mention, that some pages are dark edged and some are light edged, which I think means something, but I can’t figure it out.

I did enjoy this one though. Not as much, but a feisty heroine is still a good heroine to me. Yes, Vanessa needed a little more help from Jean-Paul than I thought was necessary, but Vanessa is a little lost about who she is and her future. The fact Jean-Paul puts her in her place regarding that in the end provides a great platform for “be yourself” and “don’t change others.” It is this speech at the end though that leaves the door wide open for this plot line and these characters to return.

Other characters though, I hope will return in volume 4. In volume 3, I finally noticed that the guidance counselor and the teacher are familiar. In book 2, in Alaska, we had Gary Barry, Guidance Counselor, and Mr. James, orchestra director. In this volume, in New Mexico, we have Gary Barry, Guidance Counselor, and Mr. James, English teacher. Mr. James plays a role in both of the plots and Gary “counsels” both main characters. I can’t wait to see if these guys appear again in volume 4. Something overarching is set up in these volumes and I can’t wait to start seeing them overlap, although, I’m not expecting it to happen until further down the line.

Once again, Graphic Universe has a good series on its hands. The artwork is consistent despite different illustrators (although, this volume had more soft edges than I liked) and the characters have a certain spunk and spirit that just continues through the story. Libraries with limited funds, looking for long lasting comic appeal, should really consider these.

Bonus: Character sketches, Q&A with Vanessa.

Source: Library Copy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Love Him to Pieces (My Boyfriend is a Monster #1)

Title: I Love Him to Pieces (My Boyfriend is a Monster #1)
Evonne Tsang
Illustrator: Janina Gorrissen
Graphic Universe (Division of Lerner)
Copyright: 2011
Price: $29.26
Summary and Quick Thoughts: The worst has happened. Jack Chen, ultra science nerd is the father of jock girl Dicey Bell’s baby egg. What’s worse is that after the two week period the two start to date (ok, not so bad). The end is neigh, Jack accidentally predicts. How true it is because after a baseball game, the deadly flesh eating fungus his parents have been trying so hard to contain, hits their town of St. Petersburg, Florida. So begins Jack and Dicey’s relationship and the zombie apocalypse. Together, jock and nerd (although, she’s more like the Honor Society Jock type I went to school with) work to save the town, but what happens when Jack gets bit?
Recommended Audience: high school
Things to be aware of: mild violence
Further Thoughts: The kick off to the series My Boyfriend is a Monster starts with a strong punch and an interesting message: appearances can be deceiving. Dicey happens to be the only girl on the baseball team. Jack happens to be tied into what is going on and knows what is happening. They are quite the pairing. They both probably liked each other from the start, but it took a little adventure and an egg to get them to realize it.

The humor that is prevalent in the series* is still there as there are moments of seriousness broken by some slight humor. The Zombie apocalypse is serious and remains that way, but the positive attitude keeps the story fresh and moving. Dicey and Jack are determined to make it out alive.

*(As a side note, yes you can read this series out of order, I read this after book 2&3).

Here’s another good point to the series: strong, determined heroines. Dicey is determined and doesn’t let boys stop her from being in baseball. She’s one of the guys, yet she is obviously feminine. In the series, you see the strong heroines who take charge and I enjoy that as it is hard to find strong women who have guys, but still have their identities.

The illustrations are black and white, and consistent with the rest of the series, despite a different artist. The recurring character of Mr. James is introduced in this volume, only slightly, and now I really want to know what his role will be.

Simply enjoyable. A good one from Graphic Universe.


Source: Library copy.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Made for Each Other (My Boyfriend is a Monster #2)

Title: Made For Each Other (My Boyfriend is a Monster #2)
Paul D. Storrie
Illustrator: Eldon Cowgur
Graphic Universe (Lerner)
Copyright: 2011
Price: $29.27 ($21.95 for libraries)
ISBN: 978-0-7613-5601-1 (Lib Binding)
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Nothing interesting happens in Persephone Falls (Alaska), although, right from the start we learn Gary Barry, the Guidance Counselor is worried about Maria McBride and how she might react to the recent loss of three of her classmates (who all happened to be cheerleaders and named Erica). She’s fine and with that, she runs into new kid Tom, on her way to class. Mysterious Tom will be joining her in three of her classes. It isn’t until 6th period that day that Tom finds Maria, alone, practicing her violin. Entranced, Tom sneaks up on her and discovers her amazing talent also goes with her amazing looks. What follows is a crazy story about Tom and Maria’s courtship as they try to navigate the fact that he’s, well, Frankenstein’s Monster’s son.
Recommended Audience: High School
Things to be aware of: Mild violence.
Further Thoughts: Yep. That’s right, this volume tackles Frankenstein’s creation, who in this story is Franklin Stone, the town’s new funeral director. The town suddenly has a rash of accidents that does make the town suspicious of what is going on, because something just isn’t right, especially with Tom B. Stone (yep, you read that right), Franklin’s son. Do the accidents have something to do with Heddy Graves (who was supposed to be Heddy Stone)?

It is quirky bits like the characters’ names that make this volume so enjoyable. My favorite scene in the book is straight from a horror movie spoof. Tom is ripping his shirt off during a loud crack of thunder to show Maria who he is. This panel takes up a full page. On the next page, you see Maria covering her eye and complaining about a button that hit her. The smirk on Tom’s face is ADORABLE, and you know then, that Maria and Tom are meant for each other for sure.

Even though this is number 2, this is the first one I read (cover to cover). From glancing at book one and after reading book 3 (review coming), the art is consistent despite the change in artists. The plot is solid and, for a Graphic Universe title, fantastic. With the zombie, vampire, werewolf crazes going on right now, these books fit right in, and more. There is very little involving technology in this book that won’t make it dated (even fashions are plain enough to withstand time). The outrageous plot is believable enough to enjoy, and it reads like a movie, a spoof and updated horror movie. For a Graphic Universe title, this one deserves shelf space and since it is from a group that markets mostly to libraries, this is a worthwhile title to make room for on your shelf. You might be able to push the classic Frankenstein onto lovers of this book. Knowledge of the book certainly makes this more fun, but even if you haven’t read the classic, it is enjoyable.

Horror, romance, a little comedy and poking fun. Who could ask for more?

Bonus: Fun little question and answer about dating someone like Frankenstein’s Monster.

Source: Library copy.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ready for a Treat?

No Sunday review today, but I have a good reason (aside from it is a Holiday). Are you ready to hear it?

This week, I'm giving you a special treat: a week's worth of reviews (rather, 5 days worth). If you've been wondering about the series "My Boyfriend is a Monster" published by Lerner Publishing's Graphic Universe, you'll get to see my take on the series here, all week (rather, the next 5 days). I'll be reviewing all 5 volumes that are out at this point. I will admit though, that the review for volume two will be first, but you'll see why when I review it Monday.


Sunday, April 1, 2012


Title: Meanwhile
Author: Jason Shiga
Illustrator: Jason Shiga
Publisher: Amulet Books (Abrams)
Copyright: 2010
Price: $15.95
ISBN: 978-0-8109-8423-3
Summary and Quick Thoughts: For Jimmy, the story starts with a simple question: should he order chocolate or vanilla ice cream. After this simple choice the reader is launched into a topsy-turvy story as Jimmy discovers a professor and his gadgets. After that, there are even MORE options and story paths to travel. Each variant could take the reader just a minute to read or close to a half an hour to read as you explore options, try something again, or go in circles. Simply put, this is a graphic novel style, Choose Your Own Adventure but on an epic and crazy scale. Fantastic.
Recommended Audience: Middle school and up.
Things to be aware of: Cartoon death and destruction.
Further Thoughts: Oh how do I describe this book? I still think it is something like “Choose Your Own Adventures on steroids.” This is one awesome book and honestly, I think perfect for reluctant readers (if they figure out how it works). The Philosopher Musician and I spent about two hours reading this title after I heard a librarian say she only got 4 pages into it and was proud of herself. I spent two hours reading this book out loud to him and more as I picked it up, followed the story line and decided “I want to do this differently” or “what about this?” The entire time I had this checked out I flipped through it and looked at panels and endings and decided to see if I could land there or just wanted to follow a favorite plot line. Either way, this is a must have and with 3,856 story possibilities, how could you go wrong?
Bonus: ALA Great Graphic Novel 2011. Pages are not typical paper. These can handle multiple readings (I bet with 3,856 story lines!).

Source: Library copy.