Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bride of the Water God - vol. 5

Title: Bride of the Water God Vol. 5
Author: Mi-Kyung Yun
Illustrator: Mi-Kyung Yun
Publisher: Dark Horse, Manhwa
Copyright: 2010 (2007)
Price: $9.99
ISBN: 978-1-59582-445-5
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Mui/Habaek has decided it is time to make a formal proposal to Soah, but just as she’s going to give him an answer, another human woman arrives. Soah asks Habaek to save the woman because she was in that position before, but no one is prepared for the woman to look like Nakbin, Habaek’s first human bride. What ensues is a story of push-pull as Soah does not know who to trust and enemies in friends are revealed. Complicated plot lines and a constant change in the characters keeps readers on their toes in this high fantasy fairy-tale. A bonus story included at the end shows readers the full story of Mui/Habaek’s first meeting with Soah.
Will Teens Like It? Mature and older teens.
Things to be aware of: Nothing
Further Thoughts: The re-introduction of Nakbin sends the story into a new direction. Who is she? What is her story? Not much in this volume, but what readers want to know is whether or not Mui/Habaek loves Soah still or is he in love with Nakbin? Toward the end of the volume, the discovery of Huye’s alliance shows readers that he is not someone to be trusted (which I think has been there throughout the story). I admit this is a very confusing story because every time you think you have it figured out, the story changes. To me, that makes a good read and if readers can keep up with the varying plot lines, I promise you that the next volume you’ll start seeing the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. The art continues to be superb.
Bonus: A short story showing when Habaek first falls for Soah.
Source: Library copy.

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