Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Welcome and Farewell to Empty Spaces.

Welcome to my ity bity corner of Internet land. Shall I outline the purpose of this blog? No. I shall not because I have done this quite a few times and have thusly killed any and all fun involved in blogging.

Either way, here I am, with a program that I thought quite brilliant: an afters school program. It is a hangout style type program and we have a Wii. Why no teens? Even after teens said they'd show.

I think they got distracted.

That happens a lot with teens. They like open ended programs (hence I created this one). They like the idea that something happens every week, but teens are easily distracted. Case and point. The TAB group (which consist of about 3-5 teens in high school, 3 of which usually are on our TAB) like programs. The TAB group sometimes think of doing something else. They usually follow that something else if we don't call them.

An After School program is not something I will call the teens about. It is a free program. Teen show up or they don't and like the case is tonight, they don't.

It can be disheartening really. I'm trying and I set up the room wonderfully and no one shows. I like how it is set up this time. I'm also happy I got all my stuff together for once.

What's the problem then? It's week two you say? Don't gripe.

I am griping but honestly, I give a program 3 tries then it's out. Luckily, I haven't had to throw something out and if I tell my TAB that I have to throw this out, they will fight tooth and nail to keep it.

My TAB is wonderful.

So why no turnout?

Publicity. I fell flat on this one and I'm going to be honest about this. I didn't get ads out on time (3 weeks ahead). I didn't get this to the schools in print (I suspect they prefer print versus electronic, my taking paper to them saves on their paper). I didn't get this out into the community (definitely something I ask the TAB to do because I don't know the hot spots and they do). Simple things that were all thrown off because November was a fun month (CONFERENCE!!!!!!)

Oh! Speak of teens! Here they are now!

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