Thursday, December 18, 2008

Waiting Rooms are Great for Reading.

Thursdays, at the moment, I have off. It's my day to chill, read, do whatever needs to be done.

Today, I was the driver for my dad to some medical related stuff so I found I had 2 hours or so in a waiting room. Instead of going out, like I thought I would, I wrote and I read.

I finished Mom's Cancer which almost made me cry with "Mom's Afterword" then Brian's Afterward. I then picked up The Professor's Daughter which is an intriguing little graphic novel. The basic plot is the professor's daughter is in love with a living mummy from Egypt. There is murder, mystery, and obviously romance and it is a very, very quick and light read. As I said, intriguing. Lastly, I picked up and read The Good Neighbors, book 1, Kin by Holly Black.

Holly Black is talented, very much so, but she is sadly tagged with her success on The Spiderwick Chronicles. The Godo Neighbors series is actually her first trip into the world of graphic novels and I must say, it is superb. The ending has me begging for book two so I'm happy I picked up this book.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Librarian. A Google alert brought me to this post, and I wanted to thank you for mentioning my book here and earlier. I'm sorry about the almost-crying parts, although I guess that means I did my job. Best of luck with your career in the stacks, and thanks again.
