Sunday, March 1, 2015


You can probably guess what this is about:

The blog is moving to Wordpress: Please remember to update your book marks and feeders!

After being a loyal Blogger way longer than I should have, Google's stunt on February 24, and immediate backpedaling by February 27 was the final straw. My honest belief is that Google is getting ready to shut down the platform. They're being underhanded because remember how everyone felt when Google Reader was shut down?

To be honest, I've been toying with the idea of moving the blog since the start of the year. I've held back for a while (mostly because I didn't want to make yet another change), but as I started to look between Blogger and Wordpress, I was starting to feel that Blogger did not meet my needs anymore.

I'll leave this here as a reference, but posts have moved to the new site so you can find the same information there too.

Thank you!

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