Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Zoe and Robot: Let's Pretend

Title: Zoe and Robot: Let’s Pretend
Ryan Sias
Illustrator: Ryan Sias
Blue Apple Books
Copyright: 2011
Price: $10.99
ISBN: 978-1-60905-063-4
Summary and Quick Thoughts: Zoe and Robot are going to climb Mt. Pillow, that is if Robot would just pretend. Like many adults, he can’t see what Zoe sees. A pile of pillows is a snow-covered mountain, the fan is a mountain breeze. Not to Robot. Is all lost or will Zoe figure out a way to help logical Robot pretend?
Recommended Audience: Children, K-3
Things to be aware of: Nothing.
Further Thoughts: Robot sees only a pile of pillows. This story is Zoe’s attempts to get Robot to see the mountain. In an age where I think imagination is disappearing, Zoe’s reminder to just pretend something is not what it is reminds us of the pleasures of pretend playing. Also, Zoe reminds us in the first panel not to spend all our time on video games, which is where she finds Robot when she wants to play. She successfully tears him away for adventures.

This is a simple graphic novel (really more of a comic book) for the beginning reader. Pairing pictures, words, and actions, readers can determine the story. Plus, it is a fun story about logic versus imagination. The illustrations are fun and the text simple, making this a great addition to early comic reader collections.


Source: Library copy.

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