Saturday, August 27, 2011

Batten Down the Hatches

So...Hurricane Irene. We've prepped, we keep prepping (Me: "Hon, what if we lose water?" Him: "Dear, we'll probably be ok."), and I know we'll reach a point where we can't prep any more. We aren't in a spot where we'll have to evacuate (I think), but there is a shelter opening up tonight. The closest river is on the other side of the county city, which is a few miles and up a bit of a bank. We have a pond nearby but I think the ground is graded enough and we're on the second floor.

We have a radio. We have books. I have crafting (a treadle sewing machine of all things!). I'm trying not to panic, but the last 24 hours or so, I've surprisingly been panicked. "Don't panic. Always travel with a towel." (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy).Why does this make sense in a hurricane all of a sudden?

I do have a plan though should power go out for more than about 2 or 3 days: Mom's, which is about 2 hours west and should be ok. When I was in middle school and Dad lost power due to that Hurricane, we kids eventually wound up there ("Mom has running water! And power!"). Although, that is also dependent on work.

At this time, it is dark for 7:30 PM (I think), which means that more of the Hurricane is here. We're probably not going to have any major problems, but seeing as this is my first one on my own, I'm still a little panicked. There has been a surprising amount of panic here. I've seen so many pictures of empty bread shelves (good thing I'm g-free and don't care) and hearing about how stores don't have milk and eggs (which is useless people, if the power goes out for more than a day) and how there's no bottled water (what about using water pitchers and bottles at home? We've filled everything we can find and then some. Thank you water filter pitcher).

I'm actually planning to get away from this computer and all the Hurricane Irene coverage in order to calm down. The Philosopher Musician made pudding but I'm so stressed I'm afraid to eat it. I know this is stress because I made it to PAYA today, despite the weather. I was relaxed and had fun. I love seeing this event happen, but am sorry about the timing (of the Hurricane that is). I think more librarians stayed home and a slew of authors didn't come out. I only stayed an hour so I could get home earlier to wait the storm out. All that time, I felt fine and even ate my lunch. Now home, I'm stressing and panicked.

Here's the plan though: I have a ton of books to read and surprisingly I've decided to reread a series I devoured as a teen, and my first manga: Mars. It is interesting to read it now as a 20-something in a relationship instead of a single, never-been-kissed, semi-outcast teen. I am looking out for the idea of rape culture, bloated ideals, and the idea that "he'll be there to save her." Rei, the male lead, was not there for Kira, the female lead, when the popular girls threw out her shoes in the first volume. He does take her home though (on his motorcycle. Oh bad boy). I'm wondering what adult me will have to say about the series, while teen me was like "OH OH I want to read the next volume! Why do I have to WAIT? GAH. SO ROMANTIC!" (Or how adult me is feeling about Bride of the Water God and Chi's Sweet Home, minus romance in that one.) So far, the bits I have reread (out of order) has me saying "that's convenient" to a lot and "that's romantic."

All in all, I guess we're as prepared as we'll be. Most of the hurricane will pass through while we're sleeping so tomorrow morning will definitely be interesting. I have stuff to do, with or without power. Our cats are being cute and trying to comfort us or me (one cat is sleeping so beautifully on the couch with me) and I am thankful I'm at home with my family (The Philosopher Musician and the cats). Here's hoping my friends are safe and we'll be safe.

UPDATE: I ate some of the pudding as The Philosopher Musician proofed this..

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