Sunday, May 30, 2010

Owly 1 and 2 by Andy Runton

Title: Owly: The Way Home & The Bittersweet Summer (vol. 1) and Just a Little Blue (vol. 2)
Author: Andy Runton
Illustrator: Andy Runton
Copyright: 2003-2006
Price: $10.00 each
ISBN: 1-891830-7 (vol. 1)
1-891830-64-3 (vol. 2)
Summary: Owly is a little happy owl who takes care of the little animals of the woods. One day, during a rain storm, Owly find a little worm, shivering and unconscious from the storm. Owly takes Wormy to his home and nurses him back to health. What follows is a journey to reunite Wormy and his family in The Way Home. Two hummingbirds enjoy the garden Owly prepares for them, but something happens to the other hummingbird in The Bittersweet Summer.
Volume 2 is dedicated to a nasty blue bird, his family, and Owly and Wormy’s determination to become their friends while providing the family with a safe shelter. Most of the stories are told without words, except those on signs or written by Owly.
Thoughts: I have known about Owly for a while now, but never really looked at it until a friend of mine, started squealing over how adorable this book was. Naturally I picked up two of the copies at my library. If you do not have this book, you should. The Owly books have little to no words which means the story is implied with symbols, punctuation marks, and actions. As I “read” these, I couldn’t help but think how perfect these books are for reluctant readers and those with other learning concerns because the images speak for themselves. This is another series, I happily, recommend to any library because of the cuteness and the learning opportunities this work provides.
Will Teens Like It? Yes. What’s not to like about a cute owl with big eyes?
Things to be aware of: Clean, unless you’re scared of cute stories of friendship.
Bonus: Watching The Philosopher Musician croon over how adorable this comic is adds more appeal to this. If it makes adults melt, teens will enjoy it, and again, this is a wonderful learning tool. Expect more reviews of this adorable title.

Source: Library.

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