Sunday, March 7, 2010

Challenge Number 2 and 3 - Audio Book Challenge and Terry Pratchett Challenge

Since I'm not getting to the reading I should be getting to (like the latest Printz book) and with an hour ride to work, I'm jumping into the Audio Book Challenge at Royal Reviews. I'm going to start with the "Fascinated" category of 6 audio books (realistic) but strive to make the "Addicted" level (not so much).

Since I'm currently listening to it, the first one will be Going Bovine by Libba Bray (the latest Printz!). Two more discs! After that, I'm picking a John Green one. The Philosopher Musician and I have to go to the other side of the state in two weeks so we're planning on picking up some Terry Pratchett for the ride.

Which actually leads me into the next challenge: ReadingAdventures: Terry Pratchett 2010 Challenge.

The Philosopher Musician just told me he's read 35 of Pratchett's work, mostly in high school. I come in at a measly 4 or so (two Johnny Maxwell's, one Tiffany Aching, and Nation [which I LOVED] after college). I'm going for the "Cashier at Ankh-Morpork Mint" level which is 1-3 books. I'm pretty sure we could listen to two on our trip, but we'll see.

Now I can see how people wind up with so many challenges...

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