Sunday, February 21, 2010

ALA Great Graphic Novels 2010

It seems to me that many librarians know about YALSA's Best Books for Young Adults, but do you know about YALSA's Great Graphic Novels for Teens? As I understand, this is "the" list to go to if you want to build a "great graphic novel" collection. In the past, I have had major qualms with the lists as I glanced over them. My biggest issue was that it seemed like many titles weren't appealing to teens, but this was me. The 2010 list though certainly has a diverse selection of books and I can say that I like the diversity. I recognize many titles and manga is making more of an appearance than it used to.

Why do I bring up this list? Aside from the fact that this is a good resource for librarians, I have decided to work through as much of the list as I can. I was surprised that as I looked over the list I have yet to read a single title (as of this moment I've read one and am working on the second)! Also, a working knowledge of the literature being discussed is very useful to me.

So there you have it. I hope to read and review all of ALA's Great Graphic Novels for 2010 and give useful reviews.

Also, please pardon me as I attempt to find my voice for this blog. Today, I had my mom proof my reviews and she gave me some good feedback. I keep picturing myself "tripping" as I work through a very overgrown path. I know that the path will clear out, but it will take some time. My mom and I have been talking about blogs and identities, which is interesting if you think about it as you have to figure out boundaries, which I'm trying to do now and post reviews.

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