Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Reviews Basic Information

"ROG - [Book/thing]" ("Reviews on the Go")
  • ROGs are short reviews for library professionals who don't have time to read all the reviews out there or have time to kill but want productive stuff to read or just want more info on a book. I find lots of book reviews on the net are very long winded and while they are oftentimes interesting, I hate reading the screen for that long.
  • These reviews will include basic book information, short summaries (about five sentences), a short commentary by me (about five sentences), a "Will Teens Like it?" rating, things to be aware of, and maybe bonus stuff.
  • If you want to use the ROG format, wait. I have to figure out how I feel about that.
There you have it. Keep an eye out for upcoming ROGs on Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen, something Bluford High, Francesca Lia Block's new book, and Watersmeet by Ellen Jensen Abbott.

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