Friday, April 30, 2010

Stitches: A Memoir by David Small

Title: Stitches: A Memoir
Author: David Small
Illustrator: David Small
Copyright: 2009
Price: $24.95
ISBN: 978-0-393-06857-3
Summary: When David Small was 11, a lump suddenly grew from in the side of his throat. No one knew what it was, but it wasn’t until he was 14 that the family finally dealt with it. Given no information and the loss of a vocal cord, David was left to find the truth on his own: he had cancer. It was gone after the surgery, but the discovery that his family kept this from him sent him spiraling even further from himself until he found help. It was then, things fell into place.
Thoughts: It’s a beautifully done memoir. I was sucked in immediately by the images followed by each person’s way of talking. It is horrible to think this happened, yet I could easily believe it. The images are simplistic, the art solid, and the text smooth. Stitches is one of those graphic novels that will be mentioned everywhere and recommended. It is also one that, if I owned it, I would read again and again, thinking and re-reading different parts. While this book did enter many young adult award categories, it can only be recommended to mature, older readers.
Will Teens Like It? This is not a teen title. Here is the thing: teens will read it, but these particular teens will be mature enough to handle this title as well as know their boundaries at that point. This title is adult in nature and geared more to that age, despite a child lead.
Things to be aware of: familial abuse, swearing, compromising situation. Heavy emotional material.
Bonus: David Small is known for his children’s books.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Apparently it is Earth Day. I only knew that it was sometime this week with no specific date because this week also saw 4/20, Administrative Professionals Day, and catch up from National Library Week. Oh and the release of the movie trailer Beastly.

So Beastly since I haven't seen Scott Pilgrim enough recently to comment. Have you watched this trailer:

(Yes it is a YouTube video from user ClevverTV. The official and much more HD trailer is at the movie site.)

I can honestly say I am excited for this movie.  The trailer does a good job of showing enough to get my interest, but not giving away all of the plot points (unless you read the book, such as I have). At first, I wasn't sure if this movie could live up to my expectations. Every book-to-movie runs the chance of ruining a favorite book or enhancing a not so good book (re: Twilight) or taking a completely different direction with the book (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen). In Beastly's case, when I heard Mary Kate Olsen was to play a character, I was pretty sure I'd wait until the DVD release. Luckily, I like Mary Kate Olsen playing Kendra after watching this trailer as she adds an interesting spin to the character.

Now to the guy who plays Beastly. Simply put: Eye Candy. Admit it, everyone of us has a soft spot for the built, beach bummy looking blonde guy. I am absolutely excited over this guy. While he doesn't look like a true monster (he looks pretty in his "ugliness"), I love the artistic direction with his "Beast" side. Also, this guy seems to personify Kyle/Beast and I look forward to the transformation. I also like the fact it looks like the people who made this movie took every chance they could to have the actor take his shirt off. *drool* (If you notice, he is shirtless as he works out in the trailer, then he takes off his shirt after the transformation. Why? I don't know, and I don't care).

My only worry is that when July comes, I won't be able to find this movie. Remember Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist? It took me forever to locate a theater, and then it disappeared and I had to wait until the DVD which took forever to come out.

I'm hoping this movie does relatively well and that I can see it in one way shape or form this summer with The Philosopher Musician. He has agreed to take me because it looks "intriguing" and I asked (This man saw August Rush and Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. Am I lucky or what?). He and I are also excited because Neil Patrick Harris of Dr. Horrible fame is also in this. I just wish I could determine if he is playing the blind teacher or not. If you can clear that up in the comments I'd appreciate it.

PS: For Earth Day, I have inadvertently celebrated it by starting a Scrap Quilt.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Plagarism around Blogosphere

The Story Siren has a great post and links to other fantastic posts (to even more fantastic posts...) about the problems of others stealing reviews and paraphrasing. It is depressing that this exists and people do this. I just have to point this post out because 1.) the information is well done and 2.) the more we know, the more we recognize, the more we discuss this, the more chance we can solve this problem somehow, eventually.

My own personal rule it is to avoid reading reviews of books I intend to read. It isn't fair and I'm worried I'll inadvertently copy something.

So, how do you locate reviews that may have been copied? Just put in a Google search here and go from there?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

YA to PA, in which I rant about the state of things

As someone who has been a PA librarian for 9 years now (HA! I did it, I told you my state) I have watched the world of YA grow in PA Library Land. I started my interest in YA from my own interest in the literature as a teen. In my undergrad, I was able to run a Teen Summer Reading program which helped me become a Teen Program Person. I've also watched the state of things deteriorate rapidly. So, I feel I can say a few things about what I see going on.

From The Story Siren, I've just learned about this initiative called "PAYA: Bringing (More) YA to PA." On one hand, I'm sorry to say I'm insulted. The libraries in the county I work in (and I might be able to comment on the county I live in), have YA books all ready in the library. This space may be a shelf or two, or a whole room, but there are attempts at YA spaces in PA libraries, no matter how small.

What we really need help in is staff. I was told once that grants for personnel are difficult to find, and even then, the position only lasts a certain time before the library has to decide if it is something to keep or not, and in this time, if the library can't find the money, BYE BYE (sadly). A colleague of mine who works in Youth Services had to give up YA due to staff leaving and vacancies not being filled. My hours were cut back (no lost pay). Other libraries have had to decrease or completely eliminate teen programs because of that word: Funding.

As you may or may not know, PA just had a 40% cut or so from the state budget last year. This year we're facing 10% again, and again the gambling money is being used to try and save parts of the budget. We haven't seen these funding numbers for year. Gov. Ridge finally brought us up into respectable funding levels. Now we're back to disgraceful. The state was technically never supposed to cover public library services (completely). It was supposed to be municipalities and counties who picked up the tab. Some municipalities refuse to pick up the tab. Others contribute what they can, but it is not enough. Everyone is facing cuts right now, not just the state, but counties, municipalities, etc. All departments are facing budget woes including fire departments and police. All of these institutions that help us are facing budget woes and some of the funding is inappropriate. (Gambling money to fund education?).

All in all, Young Adult services are "a luxury." Most programs, if a library has it are run by Youth Services librarians who prefer children's story times, or assistant directors who have other duties and can only contribute a few hours, or directors who are the one wo/man show. Those who want to do the job are either over qualified, can't work part time for certain reasons, or are Youth Services librarians who have to choose one or the other because the library is a busy place and the parents are easier to reach than the teens.

Instead of bringing More YA to PA, why not advocate as to WHY we need more YA in PA? The librarians are with you (you just need to contact us instead of the other book blogs!). It is the public the school admins, the county big-wigs who needs to see this. We need to change the terminology from YA to teen. We need to show that early literacy and teen literacy are equally important. The teens who drop off at this point may never return and this is WHY we need teen services, library professionals who recognize teen reading habits, who recognize that teens are going through crazy times, who recognize that in this crazy world, the library can be that "third place," that safe haven that teens need and one that parents recognize.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life (Vol. 1 of Scott Pilgrim)

I have got to quit promising things. An event today, plus hours of school work over the weekend resulted in my just having the review ready to go. My thoughts on the trailer and a link soon (although, really, I have one tiny complaint). When, I can't promise, it is the end of the term which means CRUNCH TIME. *sigh*

Onward to the review:

Title: Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life (vol. 1)
Author: Bryan Lee O’Malley
Illustrator: Bryan Lee O’Malley
Publisher: Oni Press
Copyright: 2004
Price: $11.95
ISBN: 978-1-932664-08
Summary: Rocker Scott Pilgrim has the life dating a high school girl (*gasp*), playing in a band, and generally “floating.” All is good until his dreams are interrupted by new girl Ramona Flowers and suddenly he’s trying to find her. As luck would have it, he meets her at a party, learns where she works, and gets her to come to him. The chemistry hits and they consider dating, but there is one little problem: Scott Pilgrim must defeat her 7 evil exes.
Thoughts: Scott Pilgrim is a title that I’ve been hearing periodically as a “must read” title for a while now. What a crazy mix of action, romance, fantasy, and just plain oddity. The drawing style is different as it is a cross between manga and the artist’s style, but really works well for the story. The first fight scene of 7 is introduced here and honestly is my favorite part. The plot holds up well and while you are wondering about the 6 other evil exes, why Ramona can do what she does, I wonder about Scott’s high school girlfriend and how she’ll be a part of the story later. This would, depending on the school, be a good addition to a high school graphic novel collection.
Will Teens Like It? Probably and is a great boy and girl title as there is action/rock for the guys and romance for the girls. Generally something’s there for everyone.
Things to be aware of: Sexual humor, sexual situations, language, drinking
Bonus:  Movie trailer is out!!

Source: Library.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Diana Wynne Jones

Boy am I out of the loop. I'm always surprised when an author dies (someone died recently, at what I thought was young, but now I can't remember who it was...) Now it seems Diana Wynne Jones has cancer is and undergoing treatment (via Bookshelves of Doom). If you love her work and want to send her well wishes, follow the link above. There is an e-mail address there and on Bookshelves of Doom, there is a "snail mail address."

The only Diana Wynne Jones I've read...
I adored Howl's Moving Castle. I had decided to read it when I really wanted to see Howl's Moving Castle, the movie, but had to wait. It was worth the read. I laughed out loud, I rooted for Sophie and I just enjoyed the "typical fairy tale turned upside down." Plus, I adore Howl, like literary crush adore (but really, it was the anime that made me fall for Howl because while he is a pompous jerk, he actually cares). Either way, the book was fantastic and I'm glad that Miyazaki was inspired to create the anime from the book (although, there are a few liberties).

While I haven't read any of her other work, I recognize she's a great author and inspires kids to read. I wish her the best and am thinking of her.

P.S. Weekly post should resume soon, with SCOTT PILGRIM VOL. 1 and my thoughts on the trailer/upcoming movie.